Friday, January 16, 2009

Cousin of Chucky...and going back to work

Only 9 more days till my baby turns one!! I am so excited! I can't believe how far we have come and how quickly this year has passed. He has changed SO much.
We started that Oigong therapy yesterday afternoon with his Occupational Therapist. He hated it lol. I think it was a combination of sleepiness, being put on his tummy for a part of it and just plain hating it. But we will give it a go and see what happens. As other mothers of CP children have told me...there is so many different therapies out there, try each one, if you dont feel its working move on. So thats the game plan!
I was taught the moves and it is up to me to do the massage every night with him. Not a big deal to do. She brought a doll with numbers and lines written on it showing how to do it that freaked Huber out a little lol. The cousin of Chucky we decided it reminded us its hanging out in the closet till I need the direction!
Work has become scarce around here for Huber so this next week I will be filling in 5 days at the restaurants. No more the 6hrs at once but it will be hard to get back into the hang of things. Huber assures me he will handle Hubercito just fine which I know he will but its always hard for me leaving my baby for too long! We are in desperate need of the money though so I have no choice! I am amazed at how well we have done without my working full time this last year. Thanks to help from the community the first couple months and then help from different state programs we have somehow managed to pay our bills and still have food on the table. This month however is hitting us pretty hard but it all eventually works out.

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