Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let The Therapies Begin!!

We have finally begun Occupational Therapy for Hubercito. A couple weeks ago we had a rough evaluation to qualify him for services. He was accepted and has had 2 sessions so far. His teachers name is Christine and we love her! Hubercito gives her a big smile when she comes and he goes into flirt mode.
Our main goals for this upcoming school year (they go for summer vacation starting in a couple weeks then restart a new school year) for Hubercito is to work on his feeding (latching quicker and better), sleeping (to hopefully get him asleep quicker and stay asleep without me laying down with him) and of course the important sitting, rolling, and crawling. Our first session was very encouraging tho, when we put him on his tummy he will usually bring his knees up into a crawling position. When we stand him he occasionally will bring one foot forward. These we were told are very good signs that he is ready and willing to start working towards crawling and walking. You can see that he understands and wants to, he just cant get his body to do what he wants. But Christine told us that for him to even be trying is a very good sign because some kids are scared shifting weight from 2 feet to 1 for example. She said that she can see his determination and for that she requested to come twice a week rather then once so she can give us some advice and things to work on with him while they are out for vacation.
Our second session she watched how I normally put Hubercito to bed and gave me suggestions to try such as a weighted blanket so he feels the closeness of something against and on him and to even put once of my shirts close to him or on a pillow so he has my scent near him to hopefully encourage him to stay asleep without me laying with him. She also watched me give him a bottle and said that she is very impressed with his determination again and to try massaging around his jaw and tongue before giving him the bottle in hopes that he will latch quicker and easier.
All in all I am very pleased with how it is all starting. She is very optimistic about what he will be able to do later on and very encouraging. Hubercito has a ways to go but I definatly feel more confident in the therapies he is receiving here that he is getting what he needs.

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